
由Shanta Gabriel 於2015 年10 月18 日通靈傳遞
譯者 U2 覺醒


Divine Presence,

Thank you for holding me and blessing me with your Love. May I become more aware that your Love is always with me, guiding me and protecting me, even when I am not paying attention. With every step I take may I, and all of humanity, know truly within the heart that we are not alone and that Love always exists for us. And so it is.



You are always receiving God ' s love whether you "tune in" or not.

你總是接收著來自造物主的愛,不論你是處於“ 調頻周率” 或“ 失聯” 。

Dear One,

God ' s love is the energy that permeates the universe. It is the essence in which you live, move and have your being. There is no time when you are separate from Divine Love, whether or not you are aware of this fact. Divine Love is always there for you. 

If you do choose to be aware that you are basking in the Light of the Universe in every moment, your life can change for the better. When you remember that you are always receiving God ' s blessings, you know that you are supremely loved. No matter what you have done, or not done, you are loved. No matter how imperfect you feel, you are loved. You are the beloved child of a benevolent God who wants you to be happy, free, wealthy, and filled with love . This is what you deserve because you are you. 




You have come to this place and time to hear this message. You need to remember how much your life is worth to the Creator of all that is. Bask in this possibility for a moment. Breathe in the Divine Light and know, really know, how much you are loved. 

There is no one else in the world with the gifts, talents and abilities that you have. When you realize this, you can give thanks, knowing the way is now open for you to use your God-given talents and abilities to expand and enrich your life. For this you came to earth.



You also came to earth to learn the lessons your Soul has chosen to learn. These lessons may feel difficult. You may see no way to accomplish your dreams. You may not even feel as though it is okay to have your dreams. Yet within you there is a spark of light that knows that you are always receiving Divine love. 

This love, which you are continuously receiving, holds the energy that can carry your dreams into the world. This love can heal all that causes you pain. This love brings hope and carries the seed of truth within its light-filled energy. It ' s here for you now. Breathe in Divine Love. 

你來到地球也是為了學習你靈魂早已選擇的這些課程。這些課程也許會讓你覺得很難。也許你看不到能實現你夢想的任何方法。你甚至都不會有任何感覺,就好像這對於擁有你的夢想來說也是可以接受的。然而在你的內心之中存在著一股神性的火花--- 它知道,你總是在接收著神聖之愛。


The Angels are messengers of God. They carry Divine Love to those who will listen and receive all that is available to them from the Universal Presence. So ask to receive this love. You are worthy to have the love of God in every area of your life. 

Remember as you go through this day, no matter what you are doing or where you are: 

天使團體是神的信使。祂們攜帶著神聖之愛,給予那些願意聆聽的人,同時接收以“ 宇宙的本質” 來說所有可被他們利用的一切。所以問到“ 接收這份愛” 。在你生命中的每個方面你都值得擁有造物主的愛。


You are always receiving God ' s love, whether you "tune in" or not.

你總是接收著來自造物主的愛,不論你是否處於“ 調頻周率” 或“ 失聯” 。

出處: Tony黑白畫


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